How To Copy And Paste On Laptop Without Mouse

In today’s modern world, laptops have become an essential tool for work, education, and entertainment. With their sleek designs and powerful capabilities, laptops have made our lives easier in countless ways. However, there may be moments when we find ourselves in a bit of a bind – perhaps our trusty mouse has decided to take an unexpected break, leaving us wondering how on earth we can navigate and perform basic tasks like copying and pasting. Fear not, dear reader, for in this guide, we will unlock the secrets of copying and pasting on a laptop without the use of a mouse.

The ability to copy and paste text or files is a fundamental skill that saves us time and effort. Whether you’re writing a report, organizing files, or simply sharing information, knowing how to copy and paste without a mouse can make your life much more efficient. In this article, we will explore the various methods and keyboard shortcuts that will allow you to master this essential skill, ensuring that you never feel stranded again when your mouse decides to go on an unexpected vacation. So, let’s dive in and discover the wonderful world of copying and pasting on a laptop without a mouse!

how to copy and paste on laptop without mouse

How to Copy and Paste on Laptop Without a Mouse

In today’s digital age, knowing how to efficiently navigate and operate your laptop is essential. One basic skill that every laptop user should be familiar with is copying and pasting. While most people are accustomed to using a mouse for this task, what do you do if your mouse is not working or you don’t have one? In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of copying and pasting on a laptop without a mouse, allowing you to continue your work smoothly and efficiently.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Fortunately, laptops are equipped with various keyboard shortcuts that can be used to perform many functions, including copying and pasting. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Select the text or item you want to copy by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Use the shift key in combination with the arrow keys to highlight the desired content.

Step 2: Once the content is selected, press the Ctrl key and the C key simultaneously to copy the selected text or item. Alternatively, you can also use the Ctrl key and the X key if you want to cut the selected content instead of copying it.

Step 3: To paste the copied content, place the cursor where you want to paste the text or item. Again, you can use the arrow keys to navigate to the desired location.

Step 4: Finally, press the Ctrl key and the V key simultaneously to paste the copied content. The selected text or item will now be pasted at the cursor’s location.

Using the On-Screen Keyboard

If your laptop does not have a functioning keyboard or you prefer a different method, you can also use the on-screen keyboard to copy and paste without a mouse. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the on-screen keyboard on your laptop. This can typically be found in the “Ease of Access” or “Accessibility” settings of your operating system.

Step 2: Use your finger or a stylus to navigate to the text or item you want to copy on the screen.

Step 3: Tap and hold on the desired content until a menu appears. Select the “Copy” option from the menu to copy the text or item.

Step 4: Navigate to the location where you want to paste the content using the on-screen keyboard.

Step 5: Tap and hold on the screen at the desired location and select the “Paste” option from the menu that appears. The copied content will now be pasted at the selected location.

By following these simple steps, you can easily copy and paste on your laptop even without using a mouse. Whether your mouse is not working or you simply prefer using keyboard shortcuts or the on-screen keyboard, these methods will help you stay productive and efficient in your work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about how to copy and paste on a laptop without a mouse.

Question 1: How can I copy text on a laptop without using a mouse?

Answer: To copy text on a laptop without using a mouse, you can use keyboard shortcuts. Start by selecting the text you want to copy by using the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate to the beginning of the text, and then holding down the Shift key while using the arrow keys to select the desired text. Once the text is selected, press Ctrl + C to copy it.

Next, navigate to the location where you want to paste the text and place the cursor in the desired position. To paste the copied text, press Ctrl + V. This will insert the copied text at the cursor’s location.

Question 2: How do I copy files and folders without a mouse?

Answer: To copy files and folders on a laptop without a mouse, you can use keyboard shortcuts and the command line interface. Start by navigating to the location of the file or folder you want to copy using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Once you have selected the desired file or folder, press Ctrl + C to copy it.

Next, navigate to the destination location where you want to paste the copied file or folder using the arrow keys. Once you are in the correct location, press Ctrl + V to paste the copied file or folder. This will create a duplicate of the original file or folder in the new location.

Question 3: Can I copy and paste using the touchpad on my laptop?

Answer: Yes, you can copy and paste using the touchpad on your laptop. To copy text, place the cursor at the beginning of the text, then tap the touchpad with two fingers simultaneously. This will highlight the selected text. Next, tap the touchpad with three fingers simultaneously to bring up the context menu, and then select the “Copy” option.

To paste the copied text, place the cursor in the desired location and tap the touchpad with three fingers simultaneously to bring up the context menu. From the menu, select the “Paste” option, and the copied text will be inserted at the cursor’s location.

Question 4: How do I copy and paste using a keyboard shortcut on a Windows laptop?

Answer: On a Windows laptop, you can copy text using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C and paste it using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V. To copy text, select the desired text using the arrow keys, and then press Ctrl + C. To paste the copied text, place the cursor in the desired location and press Ctrl + V.

These keyboard shortcuts work across various applications and can be used to copy and paste text, files, and folders within Windows.

Question 5: How do I copy and paste using a keyboard shortcut on a Mac laptop?

Answer: On a Mac laptop, you can copy text using the keyboard shortcut Command + C and paste it using the keyboard shortcut Command + V. To copy text, select the desired text using the arrow keys, and then press Command + C. To paste the copied text, place the cursor in the desired location and press Command + V.

These keyboard shortcuts work across various applications and can be used to copy and paste text, files, and folders within macOS.


In conclusion, mastering the art of copying and pasting without a mouse on your laptop can greatly enhance your productivity and efficiency. By utilizing the various keyboard shortcuts available, you can seamlessly navigate through documents and web pages, effortlessly transferring information with just a few simple keystrokes.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the different shortcut combinations and experiment with different software applications. With patience and perseverance, you will soon become a pro at copying and pasting without relying on a mouse. So, why not take the plunge and discover the wonders of keyboard shortcuts? Your laptop experience will never be the same again!


Adrian Codeforge is a real man of computer parts and components, he has established himself as a go-to expert in the field. His in-depth knowledge and innovative insights into the ever-evolving landscape of computer parts have earned him recognition and respect from both enthusiasts and professionals alike.

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