How To Disable Mouse Scroll In League Of Legends

Are you tired of accidentally triggering the mouse scroll while playing League of Legends? Do you find yourself zooming in and out of the game, disrupting your focus and gameplay? Fear not, as we have the solution for you! In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to disable the mouse scroll in League of Legends, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted gaming experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie trying to navigate the world of League of Legends, the mouse scroll can often become a nuisance. Accidental zooming can throw off your precision, costing you valuable moments in the heat of battle. Fortunately, disabling the mouse scroll is a quick and simple process that will allow you to regain control over your gameplay. So, let’s dive in and discover how to disable the mouse scroll in League of Legends, enabling you to focus on what truly matters – dominating the game!

how to disable mouse scroll in league of legends

How to Disable Mouse Scroll in League of Legends

League of Legends is a popular online multiplayer game that requires precise control and quick reflexes to succeed. However, some players may find that the mouse scroll wheel can be a hindrance rather than a help. If you’re one of those players, don’t worry! In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to disable the mouse scroll in League of Legends, allowing you to focus solely on the action at hand.

Step 1: Open the League of Legends Game Client

The first step in disabling the mouse scroll in League of Legends is to open the game client. Launch the game from the desktop icon or the start menu, and wait for the client to load. Once the client is open, log in to your account using your username and password.

Step 2: Navigate to the In-Game Settings

After logging in, you’ll find yourself on the main page of the game client. Look for the gear icon in the top right corner of the client and click on it. This will open the settings menu. From the settings menu, select the “In-Game” tab to access the in-game settings.

Step 3: Disable Mouse Scroll

Within the in-game settings, you’ll find various options to customize your League of Legends experience. Scroll down until you see the “Controls” section. In this section, locate the “Mouse” category.

Under the “Mouse” category, you’ll find an option labeled “Scroll.” By default, this option is set to “Enabled.” To disable the mouse scroll, simply click on the drop-down menu next to the “Scroll” option and select “Disabled.” This will prevent the mouse scroll wheel from having any effect in the game.

Step 4: Save and Apply Changes

After disabling the mouse scroll, it’s essential to save and apply your changes. To do this, scroll up to the top of the settings menu until you see the “Save” button. Click on the “Save” button to save your settings. Once the changes are saved, exit the settings menu and return to the main page of the game client.

Step 5: Test the Disabled Mouse Scroll

Now that you’ve disabled the mouse scroll in League of Legends, it’s time to test it out. Launch a game and move your mouse to check if the scroll wheel is no longer functional. If everything is working as expected, congratulations! You have successfully disabled the mouse scroll in League of Legends.

Step 6: Revert the Changes (Optional)

If you ever change your mind and want to re-enable the mouse scroll in League of Legends, simply follow the same steps outlined above. In the in-game settings, locate the “Mouse” category and select “Enabled” next to the “Scroll” option. Save your changes, and the mouse scroll will be restored to its default functionality.

Step 7: Enjoy a Streamlined Gaming Experience

By disabling the mouse scroll in League of Legends, you can enjoy a more streamlined gaming experience. With the scroll wheel out of the equation, you can focus entirely on your gameplay, making it easier to execute your strategies and react quickly to in-game events. Take advantage of this customization option to enhance your performance on the virtual battlefield!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about how to disable mouse scroll in League of Legends.

Q: How can I disable mouse scroll in League of Legends?

There is no built-in option in League of Legends to disable mouse scroll. However, you can achieve this by modifying the game files. Follow these steps:

1. Locate the “PersistedSettings.json” file in the League of Legends installation directory.

2. Open the file using a text editor.

3. Search for the line that says “evtScrollZoomEnabled” and change its value from “true” to “false”.

4. Save the file and exit the text editor.

5. Launch League of Legends, and the mouse scroll should now be disabled.

Q: Will disabling mouse scroll give me an advantage in the game?

Disabling mouse scroll in League of Legends does not provide any significant advantage in gameplay. It is a personal preference that some players may find more comfortable. It can help prevent accidental scrolling during intense moments, but it won’t directly affect your performance or give you an unfair advantage over other players.

Remember, the key to success in League of Legends lies in strategy, teamwork, and individual skill, rather than minor customization options like disabling mouse scroll.

Q: Can I re-enable mouse scroll after disabling it?

Yes, you can re-enable mouse scroll in League of Legends by following the same steps mentioned earlier to modify the “PersistedSettings.json” file. Instead of changing the value of “evtScrollZoomEnabled” to “false”, change it back to “true”. Save the file and relaunch the game. Your mouse scroll will be re-enabled as before.

It’s worth noting that modifying game files can sometimes lead to unexpected issues or conflicts. It’s always a good idea to make a backup of the original file before making any changes, so you can easily revert back if needed.

Q: Will disabling mouse scroll affect any other functions in the game?

No, disabling mouse scroll in League of Legends will only affect the zoom function of the camera. All other mouse functions, such as targeting, movement, and using abilities, will work as usual. Disabling mouse scroll will not interfere with any other gameplay mechanics or features.

However, it’s important to note that modifying game files comes with certain risks. Always proceed with caution and make sure to follow the instructions accurately to prevent any unwanted consequences.

Q: Is it allowed to modify game files in League of Legends?

Modifying game files in League of Legends is generally not recommended or encouraged by the game’s developers. While disabling mouse scroll is a minor modification, it’s important to understand that any changes made to game files can potentially violate the game’s terms of service or result in unexpected issues.

It’s always a good idea to check the official forums or contact Riot Games’ support for clarification on the acceptability of specific modifications. It’s better to be safe and play the game in its intended form to avoid any potential consequences.

How To Disable Mouse Scroll Wheel In League Of Legends [FAST & EASY]

In conclusion, learning how to disable mouse scroll in League of Legends can greatly enhance your gaming experience. By disabling this feature, you can prevent accidental zooming in or out during intense gameplay, ensuring better control and precision. This guide has provided you with two different methods to achieve this: through in-game settings and through third-party software.

Ultimately, the choice of which method to use depends on your preferences and technical know-how. Regardless of the method you choose, remember to always test the changes in a custom game or practice mode before diving into ranked matches. With the mouse scroll disabled, you can focus solely on your gameplay, making split-second decisions and executing strategies with ease. So, go ahead and give it a try – take control of your gaming experience and elevate your League of Legends gameplay to new heights!


Adrian Codeforge is a real man of computer parts and components, he has established himself as a go-to expert in the field. His in-depth knowledge and innovative insights into the ever-evolving landscape of computer parts have earned him recognition and respect from both enthusiasts and professionals alike.

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