How To Fix Touchpad Not Scrolling

Having trouble with your touchpad not scrolling? No worries, we’ve got you covered! We know how frustrating it can be when your touchpad stops scrolling, but fear not, because we’ve got some simple solutions that will have you scrolling smoothly again in no time.

Picture this: you’re browsing the internet, trying to read an article or view some cool pictures, and suddenly your touchpad refuses to scroll. It’s like having a book with no pages to turn! But don’t worry, we’ve got some tricks up our sleeve that will have your touchpad scrolling like a champ.

So why is your touchpad not scrolling? There could be a few reasons for this pesky problem, but fear not, we’re here to help you troubleshoot and find a fix. Whether it’s a software issue or a simple adjustment, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to get that touchpad scrolling smoothly again. Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

how to fix touchpad not scrolling


How to Fix Touchpad Not Scrolling: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you experiencing issues with your touchpad not scrolling? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many users encounter this problem, which can be frustrating and hinder your productivity. However, with a few troubleshooting steps, you can resolve this issue and get your touchpad scrolling smoothly again. In this in-depth guide, we will discuss common causes of touchpad scrolling problems and provide practical solutions to fix them. So, let’s dive in and get your touchpad back on track!

1. Check Touchpad Settings

The first step in troubleshooting touchpad scrolling issues is to ensure that your touchpad settings are configured correctly. To access the touchpad settings, go to the Control Panel or Settings on your computer and search for the touchpad options. Make sure that scrolling is enabled and configured to your preferred settings. You can adjust scrolling direction, speed, and other parameters to suit your needs.

Additionally, it’s worth checking if your touchpad drivers are up to date. Outdated or incompatible drivers can cause scrolling problems. Visit your laptop manufacturer’s website or the touchpad manufacturer’s website to download and install the latest drivers for your touchpad model. Restart your computer after installing the new drivers to apply the changes.

If the touchpad settings and drivers are in order but the scrolling issue persists, move on to the next step.

2. Clean the Touchpad and Remove Dust

Physical dirt and dust particles can interfere with the smooth operation of your touchpad, including scrolling. To resolve this issue, start by gently cleaning the touchpad surface using a soft cloth or microfiber cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the touchpad’s sensitive surface. If there are stubborn stains or dirt buildup, you can moisten the cloth with a small amount of water or isopropyl alcohol, ensuring not to use excessive moisture.

Additionally, dust particles can accumulate inside the touchpad, affecting its functionality. You can use compressed air to blow away any dust that might have settled in the crevices. Be careful while using compressed air, as excessive force or improper handling can cause damage to the touchpad. Read the instructions provided with the compressed air canister to ensure safe usage.

Once you have cleaned the touchpad, check if the scrolling issue has been resolved. If not, let’s move on to the next troubleshooting step.

3. Disable Touchpad Gestures

Some touchpad gestures, such as pinch-to-zoom or two-finger scrolling, may conflict with the regular scrolling functionality. Disabling these gestures can help in resolving scrolling problems. Go to the touchpad settings on your computer and locate the gestures section. Disable any unnecessary or conflicting gestures and check if the touchpad scrolling starts working as expected.

Remember to save the settings and restart your computer to ensure that the changes take effect. If disabling gestures doesn’t fix the touchpad scrolling issue, proceed to the next step in our troubleshooting guide.

4. Update Operating System

Operating system updates often include bug fixes and improvements for various hardware components, including touchpads. To ensure that your touchpad functions optimally, check if there are any updates available for your operating system. For Windows users, go to the Settings menu, click on “Update & Security,” and check for updates. MacOS users can check for updates by clicking on the Apple logo and selecting “Software Update.”

If there are updates available, proceed to install them and restart your computer. Once the updates are applied, test if the touchpad scrolling is working correctly. If the issue persists, we have a few more steps to try.

5. Adjust Two-Finger Scrolling Settings

If you have a touchpad that supports two-finger scrolling, adjusting the two-finger scrolling settings can help resolve scrolling issues. Go to the touchpad settings on your computer and locate the two-finger scrolling options. Increase or decrease the sensitivity and speed settings to find the ideal configuration for your touchpad scrolling.

Remember to save the settings and restart your computer to apply the changes. Test the touchpad scrolling and check if the problem is resolved. If not, let’s move on to the next step.

6. Perform a System Restore

If the touchpad scrolling issue started after a recent software installation or system change, performing a system restore can help revert your computer settings to a previous state. This can potentially undo any changes that may have caused the scrolling problem. To perform a system restore, go to the Control Panel (or Settings) on your computer and search for “System Restore.” Follow the on-screen instructions to choose a restore point and initiate the process.

It’s important to note that a system restore will not affect your personal files, but it may remove recently installed software or updates. Make sure to create a backup of any important files before proceeding with the system restore. After the restore is complete, check if the touchpad scrolling is back to normal. If not, we have one final troubleshooting step.

7. Contact Technical Support

If you have followed all the troubleshooting steps mentioned above and the touchpad scrolling issue still persists, it’s advisable to contact the technical support for your laptop or touchpad manufacturer. They may have specific recommendations or advanced troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem. Provide them with detailed information about your touchpad model, your computer’s operating system, and any steps you have already taken to fix the issue, as this will assist them in providing effective support.

More Tips for Troubleshooting Touchpad Scrolling Issues

While the above troubleshooting steps should help resolve most touchpad scrolling problems, here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

1. Restart Your Computer

Restarting your computer can sometimes resolve temporary glitches or conflicts causing touchpad scrolling issues. Always begin troubleshooting by restarting your computer and checking if the problem persists.

2. Use an External Mouse

If your touchpad scrolling issue is persistent and cannot be resolved, consider using an external mouse as a temporary workaround. You can connect a USB or wireless mouse to your computer and enjoy uninterrupted scrolling functionality.

3. Keep Your Touchpad Clean

Regularly clean your touchpad to prevent dust, dirt, or other particles from accumulating and affecting its performance. Use a soft cloth or microfiber cloth to gently wipe the touchpad surface.

4. Update Applications

Sometimes, outdated or incompatible applications can interfere with touchpad functionality. Ensure that all your frequently used applications, especially those related to touchpad settings, are up to date.

5. Consider Professional Repair

If all else fails and your touchpad scrolling issue is persistent, it might be time to consider professional repair. Take your laptop to an authorized service center or contact a trusted technician who can diagnose and fix the problem.


Dealing with a touchpad not scrolling can be frustrating, but with the troubleshooting steps outlined above, you should be able to resolve the issue and regain smooth scrolling functionality. Remember to check the touchpad settings, clean the touchpad surface, disable conflicting gestures, update your operating system, adjust two-finger scrolling settings, perform a system restore if necessary, and seek technical support as a last resort. By following these steps and incorporating the additional tips mentioned, you can troubleshoot touchpad scrolling problems effectively. Say goodbye to scrolling issues and enjoy a seamless touchpad experience!

Key Takeaways: How to Fix Touchpad Not Scrolling

  • Make sure touchpad scrolling is enabled in your settings.
  • Update your touchpad drivers to the latest version.
  • Restart your computer to reset the touchpad settings.
  • Check for any physical damage or debris on the touchpad.
  • Try adjusting the touchpad sensitivity settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we will address some common queries related to fixing touchpad scrolling issues.

Why isn’t my touchpad scrolling when I use two fingers?

There can be various reasons behind the touchpad not scrolling with two fingers. Firstly, ensure that your touchpad supports multitouch gestures. Then, check if the touchpad drivers are up to date. If not, update them from the manufacturer’s website or through the device manager. If the issue persists, try restarting your computer or adjusting the touchpad settings in the control panel. If all else fails, reaching out to technical support might be the best option.

Is there a way to fix touchpad scrolling if it’s not working at all?

If your touchpad scrolling is not working at all, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can try. Firstly, ensure that the touchpad is enabled. Look for a function key on your keyboard that has a touchpad icon and press it, or check the touchpad settings in the control panel. If the touchpad is already enabled, try updating the touchpad drivers. If the problem still persists, try restarting your computer. Lastly, there may be a hardware issue with the touchpad, so contacting technical support or taking your device to a professional technician would be advisable.

Why is my touchpad scrolling only working in one direction?

If your touchpad scrolling is only working in one direction, it could be due to a settings issue. Check the touchpad settings in the control panel and ensure that the scrolling direction is set correctly. If the settings are correct, try reinstalling the touchpad drivers. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, there may be a hardware problem with the touchpad and consulting technical support would be recommended.

What should I do if my touchpad scrolling is slow or laggy?

If your touchpad scrolling is slow or laggy, there are a few steps you can take to improve its performance. Firstly, try adjusting the touchpad sensitivity settings in the control panel. Lowering the sensitivity might help with laggy scrolling. Additionally, make sure there are no background processes or programs consuming excessive system resources. Updating the touchpad drivers and restarting your computer can also help. If the problem persists, it might be worth considering a hardware upgrade or contacting technical support for further assistance.

Why does my touchpad scrolling randomly stop working?

Random touchpad scrolling issues can be frustrating, but there are a few things you can try to fix it. Start by checking the touchpad settings in the control panel and ensure that scrolling is enabled. If it is, try updating the touchpad drivers or reinstalling them. Restarting your computer can sometimes resolve the issue. If the problem continues, it might be worth scanning your device for malware or consulting technical support for more advanced troubleshooting steps.

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Having trouble with your touchpad not scrolling? Here’s a simple fix for you!

First, check the touchpad settings in your computer’s control panel. Make sure scrolling is enabled.

If that doesn’t work, try updating the touchpad driver. Visit the manufacturer’s website to download and install the latest driver.

Still no luck? Restart your computer and see if that solves the issue.

If all else fails, consider using an external mouse as an alternative. It’s an easy solution!

Remember, troubleshooting technology problems can be frustrating, but with a little patience, you’ll find a fix that works for you. Don’t give up!


Adrian Codeforge is a real man of computer parts and components, he has established himself as a go-to expert in the field. His in-depth knowledge and innovative insights into the ever-evolving landscape of computer parts have earned him recognition and respect from both enthusiasts and professionals alike.

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