How To Invert Mouse Scroll Mac

Are you a Mac user who prefers to have a different scrolling experience? Do you find the default scrolling direction on your Mac’s mouse a bit counterintuitive? If so, you’re not alone. Many users prefer to invert the mouse scroll on their Mac devices to match their personal preferences or habits. In this guide, we will explore how to easily invert the mouse scroll on your Mac, allowing you to navigate effortlessly and comfortably through web pages, documents, and applications.

Scrolling has become an integral part of our digital interactions, and getting it just right can greatly enhance our user experience. Whether you’re a gamer who’s used to an inverted mouse scroll, or simply find it more natural to scroll in the opposite direction, learning how to invert the mouse scroll on your Mac is a valuable skill. So, grab your Mac device and let’s dive into the steps needed to customize your scrolling experience to better suit your needs. By the end of this guide, you’ll be scrolling like a pro, effortlessly gliding through your Mac’s interface with ease and satisfaction.

how to invert mouse scroll mac

How to Invert Mouse Scroll on Mac


Welcome to this step-by-step guide on how to invert the mouse scroll on your Mac. Inverting the mouse scroll direction can be a useful customization for those who prefer a different scrolling experience. This article will walk you through the process in a simple and easy-to-follow manner.

Step 1: Access System Preferences

To begin, click on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen and select “System Preferences” from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can use the Spotlight Search (press Command + Space) and type “System Preferences” to open it directly.

Once the System Preferences window is open, locate and click on the “Mouse” icon. This will open the Mouse preferences panel, where you can customize various mouse settings.

Step 2: Enable Advanced Mouse Options

Within the Mouse preferences panel, you will see several tabs at the top. Click on the “Point & Click” tab, which is the first tab on the left.

On this tab, you will find a button labeled “Advanced” at the bottom-right corner. Click on this button to access additional mouse options.

Step 3: Invert Mouse Scroll Direction

After clicking on the “Advanced” button, a new window will appear with various advanced mouse options. Look for the section labeled “Scrolling” and locate the checkbox that says “Scroll direction: natural”.

To invert the mouse scroll direction, simply check this box. Once checked, the scrolling on your Mac will be inverted, providing you with the desired scrolling experience.

Step 4: Test the Inverted Scroll

Now that you have inverted the mouse scroll direction, it’s a good idea to test it out and ensure it’s working as expected. Open a web page, document, or any application that allows scrolling and try scrolling up and down using your mouse or trackpad.

If the scrolling direction is now inverted and meets your preference, congratulations! You have successfully inverted the mouse scroll on your Mac.


Customizing your mouse settings, such as inverting the scroll direction, can greatly enhance your overall user experience. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can easily customize the scroll direction on your Mac to suit your personal preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about how to invert mouse scroll on Mac:

Q: How can I invert the mouse scroll direction on my Mac?

To invert the mouse scroll direction on your Mac, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the Apple menu and select “System Preferences”.

2. Click on “Accessibility”.

3. In the left sidebar, select “Mouse & Trackpad”.

4. Check the box next to “Scroll direction: Natural” to invert the scroll direction.

5. Close the System Preferences window.

Q: Can I customize the mouse scroll direction for specific applications?

Unfortunately, the mouse scroll direction settings on a Mac are system-wide and cannot be customized on a per-application basis. This means that if you invert the scroll direction, it will apply to all applications.

If you need different scroll direction settings for specific applications, you may want to look for third-party software or utilities that offer this level of customization.

Q: Will inverting the mouse scroll direction affect other mouse settings?

No, inverting the mouse scroll direction will not affect any other mouse settings on your Mac. It is a standalone setting that can be adjusted independently.

Other mouse settings such as tracking speed, double-click speed, and button assignments will remain unaffected.

Q: How do I revert back to the default scroll direction?

If you want to revert back to the default scroll direction on your Mac, you can simply uncheck the “Scroll direction: Natural” option in the Mouse & Trackpad settings. This will restore the default behavior where scrolling down moves the content down and scrolling up moves the content up.

After making this change, remember to close the System Preferences window for the settings to take effect.

Q: Can I use a keyboard shortcut to quickly toggle the scroll direction?

No, there is no built-in keyboard shortcut to quickly toggle the scroll direction on a Mac. You will need to manually access the Mouse & Trackpad settings in the System Preferences to invert or revert the scroll direction.

However, you can create custom keyboard shortcuts using third-party software or utilities to automate this process and toggle the scroll direction with a key combination of your choice.

How To Change The Mouse Scroll Direction On Mac 2022 | Mac Tutorial

In conclusion, learning how to invert the mouse scroll on a Mac can significantly enhance your user experience and improve productivity. By understanding the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily customize your scrolling preferences according to your personal preferences and needs. Whether you are left-handed, have a specific accessibility requirement, or simply prefer a different scrolling direction, the ability to invert the mouse scroll on your Mac empowers you to tailor your device to your unique style of interaction.

Furthermore, mastering this feature opens up a world of possibilities for seamless navigation in various applications and software. From web browsing and document editing to graphic design and gaming, the inverted mouse scroll can provide a more intuitive and efficient way to interact with your Mac. With just a few simple adjustments in the System Preferences, you can unlock a whole new level of control and precision, allowing you to navigate through content effortlessly. So, don’t hesitate to explore the settings and make the most out of your Mac’s capabilities by customizing the mouse scroll to suit your individual needs.


Adrian Codeforge is a real man of computer parts and components, he has established himself as a go-to expert in the field. His in-depth knowledge and innovative insights into the ever-evolving landscape of computer parts have earned him recognition and respect from both enthusiasts and professionals alike.

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